16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958

Control operational efficiency and environmental impact with our advanced, proven, on-site lubricant & cleaning product processing technology.

The Problem

Every year, 6,000+ lubricant and cleaner products are made from petroleum. They pass through many hands and ship over long distances, increasing the likelihood of delays, challenging events and increased costs.

50% of all lubricants and cleaners also end up in the environment – an estimated 1.4 trillion liters per year – and manufacturing these 6,000+ products also produces over 6 trillion tons of CO2 every year.

There are also traditional barriers to switching cost-effectively from petroleum-based products such as being unable to control cost, JIT supply chain challenges, warehousing and inventory control, carbon footprint impact, current product inefficiencies and lack of product innovation.

Airesun Technologies solves this with integrated technology that enables you to make your own efficient, sustainable products when you need them.

Operational Benefits

Environmental Benefits


Quality, Operational & Multi-Industry Expertise

We draw on our network of global industry experts with knowledge from working in multiple industries so we are able to hit the ground running. Our team offers service level agreements and sales follow-up with a Program of Excellence built into all aspects of business and operations. 

Our technology is fully installed, configured and QCd at your designated production facility. Once connected, the Airesun team controls product formulation remotely to meet your needs from our command control centre enabling us to tailor product attributes for specific industry applications and standards, without the need for reconfiguration on site.

Agriculture & Forestry

Automotive & Transport

Concrete & Cement

Construction & Road Construction


Glass & Ceramics

Graphic Printing

Marine & Offshore

OEM & Metal Working


Paper & Packaging

Plastics & Rubber



Wood Processing



Our lubricants and cleaners, derived from 100% seed oil and food-safe additives, perform as well as or better than petroleum-based products for the same cost. All products contain zero toxins, have quick biodegradability under 100 days, and meet or exceed environmental requirements. They are non-hazardous so there is no long-term harm from spills and the products don’t require any special shipping, handling or storage considerations, saving you cost in your supply chain.


All products undergo rigorous science & development to meet industry-relevant, engineering standards testing criteria (ISO & ASTM) and receive third party validation from sources including the National Research Council of Canada and universities, as well as ISO 9001 and 14001.


We can help you identify:


Airesun Global Incorporated is a U.S. company that is based on home-grown values, an understanding of the needs of industry, and a passion to find realistic solutions with the future in mind.

Our motto – “Making the world a safer place”- recognizes the acknowledgement from industry and government that the health and well-being of our planet must come from efficient, cost-effective products that do no harm to flora or fauna… or humans.

Our team includes PhDs and experts in the field of both petroleum chemistry and green chemistry, supply chain logistics, resource extraction, surface science, computer networking and security, quality excellence, and CO2 verifiers.

Airesun’s technology offers a way for the industrial sector to manufacture truly efficient products to suit the needs of your operations, while having no detrimental environmental effects.

We look forward to working with you.

Thomas P. O’Keefe


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